Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today is my second post in a 31 days series about Fashion & Beauty 101.
I took a poll. Ok it was more of a questionnaire, with one question. What does it mean to have "fashion sense" ? My roomies, ((who happen to be straight out of a J.Crew/Anthro/Kate Spade catalogue)) explained that it's having the ability to put things together that compliment one another. The internet provided a general "understanding what looks good" answer. And I agree that it's both, and even then some. To make it simple, here is a small list that could help you begin understanding for yourself.
           Having "fashion sense" means:

          - Knowing how to pair colors/patterns/materials that compliment one another.
          - Understanding what looks good, & more importantly what looks good on your body type/skin color.
          - Knowing what your style is, and how to pull it off. 
          - Keeping up with trends/new styles, and letting your style evolve with the times.
          - Wearing clothes with confidence. 
          - Having a "key piece" that pulls the look together.
          - Also understanding what doesn't work, and why. 

And although this isn't the end all be all list, it's a place to start. It's FASHION SENSE 101, if you will. 

Do you have all of those traits listed? If not, what do you need to do to get them? And can I help?!
Tomorrow we'll be walking through what it looks like to find what YOUR STYLE is *cue excitement squeals.*

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I have them all but I think knowing what works for your body type & looks is vital!
